Stand-out surface protection for an industrial chimney [translations pending]


The outer shell of a factory chimney serving a foundry in the Slovakian town of Krompachy was in dire need of repair. Fog as well as cold, damp and not least the stormy autumn weather put man and material to a tough test. But it was precisely in these adverse conditions that the products of the MC-DUR system were able to show their strengths to the full.

  • Meno

    Stand-out surface protection for an industrial chimney [translations pending]

  • Krajina

    Slovakia, 2023

  • Kategórie

Krompachy is located in the Spiš region of the Slovakian Ore Mountains, an area that has a long tradition in metallurgy. And Komparchy has – since the year 2000 – served as the headquarters of copper smelter Kovohuty a.s., a subsidiary of the Austrian company Montanwerke Brixlegg AG. At 201 metres, the chimney of the foundry is the fifth highest of its kind in Slovakia. It is made of reinforced concrete and, apart from its red and white markings applied for aviation safety, had never been provided with a full surface protection system since it was built in 2000.

Repair in late autumn under adverse conditions

Vertical Industrial a.s. from Bratislava was commissioned with the repair project. After the degraded concrete shell of the chimney had been comprehensively rehabilitated, the special coatings of the MC-DUR system were applied to provide the durable surface protection required. The work began in the depths of late autumn 2021, meaning that adverse weather conditions such as fog and cold, damp and, not least, storms were part of everyday life on the construction site.

View of the factory chimney after repair of the outer shell with the special coatings of the MC-DUR system.
View of the factory chimney after repair of the outer shell with the special coatings of the MC-DUR system.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025


MC-DUR system for effective protection even in aggressive environments

First, the entire chimney exterior was primed with the transparent epoxy resin sealer MC-DUR 1277 WV so as to increase the mechanical and chemical resistance of the concrete shell. This was followed by a coat of the grey sealer MC-DUR VS PUR. A two-component, pigmented PU compound that has been specifically developed for industrial site applications, MC-DUR VS PUR already has a successful track record comprising 200-plus projects. As the final sealer in the MC-DUR VS system structure, it produces a colour-stable, non-yellowing and non-chalking silk-like gloss that is uniform across the entire concrete surface.


For the distinctive red and white flight safety stripes at the upper levels of the chimney, the client opted for MC-DUR 2496 CTP, a special resin-based sealant that can be applied quickly and safely almost regardless of weather conditions. The product offers good resistance to dilute acids, alkalis and salt solutions. It also impresses with its UV stability and high abrasion and scratch resistance.


The work was completed on 30 November 2021. Retaining its pristine condition a year after being handed over to a thoroughly satisfied client, the fully refurbished industrial chimney continues to gleam as new.


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